I went into 2010 with completely different expectations. Unpredictable. Thats what every month had been for me. Its been a struggle, but a good kind of struggle. Every event led to me growing as a photographer and as a person.
2010 started off exciting with my phone drowning in the ocean and then my house drowning in a flood.
Things got more fun living in a hotel for the next couple months.

My photography style begins to change along with many other lifestyle changes.
I start summer early and begin to work more in Orange County
Renovation of the flooded house is complete, but we decide to say goodbye and move anyway.
MayI always have to stay busy so I say "yes" to anything interesting.
June was an especially busy month. I moved into new home. I go camping in Kern and almost die in the river. I finally get to say goodbye to my grandmother as I make my first trip to San Francisco.

This river almost killed us.

I really start to experiment with my Holga.
Chinatown, San Francisco
Stockton, CA
I continue exploring new techniques.
Many big things happen for me as the summer nears the end.
LA becomes my new favorite location.
Booth parties continue.
I start work over at Affliction Clothing and relearn everything I thought I knew.
Shoots are bigger and productions are bigger.
Even the clients are bigger. George St. Pierre behind the scenes.
Working with new talent, Italix and trying out new photography techniques.
My direction changes and technique changes.
2010 at times felt endless. So many events that would have anyone else give up only made me more persistent. I've done some interesting things, explored and had adventures as well as met some extraordinary people this year. I moved out and moved into a new home. More importantly, I think I've finally moved on.